Power distribution
Din rail modular devices
Automation and control
Panels and boxes
Distribution and communication systems
Cable support systems
Системы и компоненты для электромонтажных работ
Structured cabling systems and IT-net components
Wiring accessories
Emergency Lighting
Монтажный инструмент
Why to work with Overdrive-Electro, Ltd.?
Private company, a supplier of imported low-voltage electrotechnical equipment for OEMs, wiring accessories, structured cabling systems, industrial automation for Belarusian market.
Precisely selected portfolio of offers for OEM partners, companies working at the industries of electric installations and industrial automation.
We offer wiring accessories, modular devices, equipment for power distribution and motor protection, components for structured cabling systems, industrial automation, boxes, panels and cabinets, terminal blocs, industrial plugs and sockets, relays, installation (cabling and fixing etc.), pushbuttons and pilot lights, lighting protection and cable support systems.
Due to wide range of equipment at the stock (about 6,000 names of the goods), our professional consulting experience and technical support, shipment within the shortest possible time we satisfy the needs of our customers in quality goods at optimal prices.
For about 14 years we work with producers of well-known brands: Eaton, Legrand, ABB, Lovato Electric, ETA, OBO-Bettermann, Scame etc.
We work with leaders of Belarusian market leaders: OEMs, producers of automatic process control systems and automatic systems for commercial accounting of power consumption, heating and cooling equipment, wholesalers and retailers, energetic companies etc.